Yet few readers will know his name or know that he is a minor hanger-on of the neoconservative movement.
The neoconservative movement is distinctive in part for its willingness to expend American resources - military and economic - to promote democratic change.
I have numerous affiliations with the different strands of the neoconservative movement.
Mr. Abrams also has family ties to the neoconservative movement.
It was the tension between liberal sentiments and conservative analysis that gave the neoconservative movement its distinctive flavor.
The shift helped define the emerging neoconservative movement and gave space to disillusioned liberals.
From the title on, your article stresses the youngness of this neoconservative movement.
He became a member of the growing neoconservative movement and an outspoken advocate of "democratic capitalism".
The neoconservative movement, as it rose in the 1970s, articulated a different vision from the Old Right.
Fukuyama is also associated with the rise of the neoconservative movement, from which he has since distanced himself.