After Christopher's speech and the standard banter from the network commentators, Decker switched channels to a public affairs report advising viewers of how they could stay cooler.
That was the scene approximately one hour ago," the network commentator said, his voice registering his horror, "as two atomic blasts, set off by the Pakistani Guard, rocked the Indian subcontinent.
As a bonus, the inanities of network commentators, generally irritating to novice and veteran sports fans alike, are eliminated.
He suspects that, sometime during the middle of the race, network commentators simply unplug their mikes, relax with a mai tai, and plug back in at race's end.
Even the network commentators, usually so ready to declare a winner in the presidential horse race, were skittish after this one.
While some network commentators talked right through the Democrats' speeches, during the Republican convention they have given the speeches almost uninterrupted coverage.
The video screen has been part of marriage proposals, birthday announcements and network commentators play by play action calling.
On one hand, they said, Mr. Arnett was arguably only repeating an analysis made by several other network commentators.
Brookshier was reinstated in CBS's announcing lineup for the 1984 season, continuing as a network commentator through 1987.
Curtis Mayo and other network commentators broadcast scathing attacks on the President for overstepping the limits of his authority.