Corporations can lose business due to network outage or they may default on a contract, resulting in financial losses.
It is the duty of the network designer to make sure that a network outage does not happen.
Cellcom reported the network outage to impact the Q4 results.
The changes would insure "very little, if any, disruption of service should a similar network outage recur," the company's statement said.
This resulted in about 12 hours of network outage.
'It looks like there's a network outage in one of the sat-nets,' he said calmly.
With Recording at the Edge this is not an issue because network outage only impacts live video.
These issues included network outages, problems with saving progress and difficulty connecting to the game's servers.
A system can be up, but not available, as in the case of a network outage.
The frequency of network outages on the Internet, as a function of size and duration.