Only one episode of the series survives, the network premiere on May 8, 1953, which is held at the UCLA Film and Television Archive.
The network premiere of The Polar Express was watched by more than 4 million viewers.
The network premiere of the film was on Film4 3 March 2012.
On July 26, 2011, FX obtained the rights to the network premiere of the film.
This animated Disney classic, having its network premiere after all these years, is a coming-of-age story about Bambi and his woodland friends Thumper and Flower.
The added footage was largely unfinished and cobbled together for the network premiere; Wise had never wanted the footage to be included in the final cut of the film.
Bayerischer Rundfunk boycotted the network premiere on ARD on November 8, 1977.
The network premiere of the film The Sorcerer's Apprentice on October 28 was watched by 2.1 million viewers.
June 28, 2006, the movie get a network premiere on BET.
It too had its network premiere on ABC.