The staples, network reruns, were not enough to fill the schedules, prompting a variety of made-for-syndication, or "first-run," shows.
The ratings were low when this episode originally aired, but the network reruns improved.
The company wanted to be placed in the network rerun of the mini-series "The Thorn Birds."
Still, through the mid-1980's, cable television was widely regarded as the minor league of the medium, a limited refuge for network reruns, old movies and fringe sports events.
The trick was in devising a show that could compete in the crowded syndication field of game shows, old network reruns and other talk shows.
Strong Gains at HBO Mr. Baldwin said HBO's ratings usually increased about 20 percent each summer, as many viewers turn away from network reruns.
When it first aired, this episode scored very low Nielsen ratings; however, network reruns of this episode improved.
But even without it, you can always catch network reruns of the highlights and read about the results in the celebrity pages of newspapers and magazines.
Cable television channels still invest heavily in network reruns, and many, including HBO and Showtime, are experimenting with variations on the traditional network sitcom.
In turning it into an independent station, Time Warner has purchased numerous network reruns, including "Hunter" and "Bewitched," and syndicated children's shows, like "Smurfs."