And what will the children do with the newly found information about themselves?
"Or perhaps the information is newly found, and she has not yet had the chance to come to you with it."
No, I cannot risk her, not when she is newly found!
They, along with their friends and family, find the time to watch the newly found footage.
It is also a product of a newly found cultural pride within the Indian community.
The parents seemed to revel for a moment in their newly found power to make change.
What I really want is to use my newly found voice to sing a little louder.
Her newly found wealth does not come without any backlash, though.
This newly found sovereignty only has any meaning if it is put to some use.
He was the president of the newly founded International association for the material testing from 1896.
It is also a product of a newly found cultural pride within the Indian community.
The parents seemed to revel for a moment in their newly found power to make change.
What I really want is to use my newly found voice to sing a little louder.
Rajab became the president of the newly found rights group.
And what will the children do with the newly found information about themselves?
Her newly found wealth does not come without any backlash, though.
They, along with their friends and family, find the time to watch the newly found footage.
"Or perhaps the information is newly found, and she has not yet had the chance to come to you with it."
This newly found sovereignty only has any meaning if it is put to some use.
No, I cannot risk her, not when she is newly found!