Gomja crisply nodded and set about his task.
Cordelia gave him a swift, bleak smile, then nodded crisply.
Still, she managed to push the thought aside while she nodded crisply and said, "Thank you, my captain.
Snodgrass looked toward the car and nodded crisply.
Her calm soprano gave no sign of the thoughts which had flowed through her mind, and she nodded crisply.
Honor nodded crisply and stepped back from his command chair.
Victor nodded crisply and departed, happy to be out of the office.
She nodded crisply, pulled out her phone, and punched in 03, Moscow's medical emergency number.
Nodding crisply at his bodyguards, he turned his shoulder to me and left.
The Benzite nodded crisply, a smile creeping across his blue face.