Rabbis from all the non-Orthodox movements of Judaism became involved in inter-faith theological dialogue with a number of Christian churches.
Haredi groups and authorities will not work with non-Orthodox religious movements in any way, as they view this as lending legitimacy to those movements.
Following this lead, until the 1970s the Modern Orthodox and the non-Orthodox movements worked together in the now-defunct Synagogue Council of America.
However, the relationship between Modern Orthodoxy and the non-Orthodox movements has worsened over the last few decades.
As well, non-Orthodox movements have progressively moved to the "left".
Christians have applied theological criteria to assess the teachings of non-orthodox movements throughout church history.
But under a deal with secular coalition parties that had resisted the legislation, the bill is to be frozen pending a compromise, provided the non-Orthodox movements suspend litigation to recognize their conversions.
The struggle has become more acute in recent years, as the non-Orthodox movements turned to Israeli courts while the Orthodox parties gained political strength.
Since then, a number of non-Orthodox movements within Judaism have developed.
Rabbis and cantors in most non-Orthodox movements study Hebrew in Israel, where they learn Sephardic rather than Ashkenazi Hebrew pronunciation.