He smiles when he recalls the numerical approach, how in pregame meetings his coaches would predict the score, saying it felt like a 6-1 game.
This will include analytical theories and numerical approaches that have grown exponentially in recent years.
In contrast to many contemporary naturalist, however, he strongly promoted quantitative and numerical approaches and experimentation.
Fully numerical approaches have also been followed.
Several analytical and numerical approaches have been used to solve contact problems that satisfy the no-adhesion condition.
Our main goal is the mathematical analysis of these problems, but also the numerical approach and the support to practical implementation in interaction with industry.
He argues, 'The numerical approach is essential to understanding church growth.
Men use the numerical approach in all worthwhile human endeavour'(McGavran 1970:83).
Bergmann et al implemented numerical approach to finding voltage distribution across the stack of the metal electrodes as in Fig. 1.
These algorithms must be very carefully designed, using numerical approaches such as Iterative refinement, if they are to work well.