The emerging field of experimental mathematics is confronting this debate head-on by focusing on numerical experiments as its main tool for mathematical exploration.
The computationally intense numerical experiments that will run on the system will focus on DOE priorities in energy technology and science research.
In both disciplines one strives to obtain information from the system with a minimum of physical or numerical experiments.
It has been found in numerical experiments that "H" is generally a superior estimator of the harmonic mean than "H".
However, numerical experiments have shown that for six or more volumes in three dimensions, some of the boundaries between bubbles may be non-spherical.
In many cases the analytical tools are used to perform numerical experiments where the flaws are introduced through computer simulation.
One then says that one is doing a 'numerical experiment'.
The interpretation of laboratory experiments has been elusive (Sections 21.4, 21.6) and the aim of numerical experiments is to aid this.
Without better data, he said, "we can go on doing numerical experiments till we're blue in the face and we won't reduce the uncertainties."