Georgia was the state with the largest numerical increase in the black population from 2006 to 2007 with 84,000.
This is "the largest 10-year numerical increase ever," Mr. Roberts writes.
In addition, the Handbook includes the latest listing of the fastest growing occupational fields with the largest numerical increases in employment.
Important value and numerical increase in the community due to new immigrants - ethnic armenians.
However, examination of the actual numerical increases indicate that the number aged 85 + will increase by about 800,000.
Last year, the state added more than 410,000 people, far and away the largest numerical increase of any state.
The numerical increase worth counting is that which endures from decade to decade.
California, the nation's most populous state, recorded the biggest numerical increase, 1.8 million, or 6.9 percent.
"The numerical increase in the number of foreign alumni, and the growing sophistication of fund raising."
The numerical increase was modest, from 9,700 in 1914 to 12,215 by February 1916, but they trained regularly and had kept most of the Volunteer weaponry.