Inequations should not be confused with mathematical inequality, which express numerical relations such as 3 'y' by the trichotomy (mathematics).
The minority status is conditioned not only by a clearly numerical relations but also by questions of political power.
An example in the verbal domain would be the shift from words to sentences and in the quantitative domain from natural numbers to algebraic representations of numerical relations.
It is known, however, that the numerical relation between the English and French troy ounces was exactly 64:63 in the 14th century.
The anthropic principle does provide some sort of explanation of many of the remarkable numerical relations that are observed between the values of different physical parameters.
Elton defined ecological relations using concepts of food chains, food cycles, and food size, and described numerical relations among different functional groups and their relative abundance.
I can show you that the art of computation has to do with odd and even numbers in their numerical relations to themselves and to each other.
Influence diagrams are hierarchical and can be defined either in terms of their structure or in greater detail in terms of the functional and numerical relation between diagram elements.
Abundant material regarding this midrash has been collected by Horowitz; but the numerical relations of the midrashim require thorough investigation.
The decisive innovation of mensural notation was the systematic use of different note shapes to denote rhythmic durations that stood in well-defined, hierarchical numerical relations to each other.