This questionnaire ranks the severity of your symptoms on a numerical scale.
When human beings give you an answer on a numerical scale about how satisfied they are with their lives, it is best to pay attention.
Letter-based notations are used for various special cases to which the numerical scale does not apply, as explained below.
Is there a numerical scale that magnets are rated to on strength?
But Professor Blecker also worried about how a numerical scale would be used in practice.
Each axis has a numerical scale of 1 to 9.
On a numerical scale of 9.9999 out of 10, things were going very well.
On a numerical scale of 9.9999 out of 10.
Does he think women will vote for a candidate who rates women on their looks on a numerical scale?
Villages were rated on a numerical 80-100 scale based on the potential quality (and value) of their grapes.