He occasionally alludes to being an atheist, although Jeremy at one point catches him praying in a time of crisis.
Natsu was prone to violence and morbid outbursts, which are occasionally alluded to in Mishima's works.
He occasionally alluded to such possibilities, but never forcefully enough to make an impact.
He occasionally alludes to feeling isolated, but rejects the idea that he suffers from depression.
Though no details are given, the comic occasionally alludes to a past relationship between Jodie and Adam.
But in appearance, these pretty crayon drawings are abstractions that occasionally allude to the human figure.
During the remainder of the campaign Goldwater occasionally alluded to the scandal.
As an elf he is presumed to be very old, occasionally alluding to his great age in jokes at Hirad's expense.
Already he was acquainted with the singular trance-like condition to which his poems occasionally allude, a subject for comment later.
He alludes to me occasionally, and I cannot tell with what spirit.