Their relationship was "often fraught, occasionally bordering on violence"; both agree that the violence was mainly Stella's, but that his work captured that intensity.
At first, the band embraced a more simple, quirky, lo-fi indie pop sound, which occasionally bordered on twee pop.
He presents existential enigmas with heavy doses of whimsy that occasionally border on cuteness.
There remains an element of awe, occasionally bordering on idolatry, but there is no flinching from a number of decidedly unflattering facts.
Reviews for The Trouble with Larry were generally unfavorable, occasionally bordering on hostile.
He plays primarily in an avant-garde style occasionally bordering on free jazz.
Although sheer vocal beauty is sometimes sacrificed to drama (occasionally bordering on melodrama), there is plenty of both.
They had enough tech implants, add-ons, and cutting-edge options to technically qualify as cyborgs, and their personal habits occasionally bordered on disgusting.
Although occasionally bordering on the funereal, the details of the narrative are to be of a light and gravity-removing nature on the whole.
Raw power turned coarse in a kind of Mack-truck approach that occasionally bordered on self-parody, as if these performers themselves were trying to rekindle the old flame through main force.