Being in the highway industry and occasionally dealing with safety issues, I find the whole concept of risk perception quite fascinating.
For the main part, he has financed his habit throughout by working, although he does admit to dealing occasionally when work was scarce.
He occasionally dealt with issues of slavery in his law practice in Illinois.
Secular bands that occasionally deal with Christian topics are a different matter altogether.
Yes, it must be hard living in London and having to deal occasionally with the tiny percentage of the population that lives outside.
The series follows the family's adjustment to a new living situation and occasionally deals with sensitive issues for children, like moving and divorce.
I occasionally deal in works of art.
He says he occasionally deals with the problem by "putting a pillow over my head."
"Except that our data are more extensive because we occasionally deal with living tissue."
The crimes in her stories often involve children in some way, and occasionally deal with child telepathy.