They will occasionally follow trains or automobiles to fetch food that falls off.
Wild animals trekked though the tall trees, followed occasionally by Native Americans in search of food.
Small air strikes against individual tanks and air defenses occasionally followed.
Smell - Pongdybory has the ability to smell things even though it occasionally followed by a powerful sneeze.
They can often be seen watching their owner, and occasionally following him.
The first full release, Greenfoot version 1.0, was published on 31 May 2006, with further releases following occasionally thereafter.
However, the latter occasionally followed the Republican tradition and allowed the men of a centuria to elect their own centurion.
It does occasionally follow ships such as fishing trawlers, and may be part of a mixed-species feeding flock.
It emerges from these letters that Holmes solicited and occasionally followed the clerks' criticism of his opinion drafts.
The book has several sub-plots and will occasionally follow minor unrelated characters to illustrate how events unfold around the globe.