Incident Gamma rays and X-rays occasionally kick electrons along their path.
They waited passively within their globes, kicking occasionally at the water to maintain their positions and watching him with their beady black eyes.
Finally, the hunter walks in the traditional dejected manner back toward his car, occasionally kicking angrily at a rock or stick.
Lavaeolus mooched along it, occasionally kicking bits of fallen masonry as if he had a personal grudge against them.
- threw and occasionally kicked his racket.
She cut herself off from comfort by clenching her fists, screaming and occasionally kicking when people approached.
Kasyx walked across the sand, occasionally kicking one of the bricks which had so recently been horses.
I looked around, head still pounding, and saw Brandy lying there, still out, but murmuring agitatedly and occasionally kicking or pushing away in her sleep.
The distinction was largely ignored by the soldiers, who made me do various menial tasks about the camp, and occasionally kicked me for no particular reason.
She was sitting occasionally kicking pettishly at the table leg.