The property was occasionally occupied personally by Chandra Shekar but employment training never happened.
Many of the houses and factories built by these early settlers are still in use today - occasionally occupied by descendents of the original owners.
The affairs of Mary, Queen of Scots also occasionally occupied his attention.
The main frontages were nevertheless crammed with closely packed buildings, while the land behind was evidently more open and occasionally occupied by larger structures.
From 1909 to 1920, he taught at the Prague Conservatory himself, and this occasionally occupied him to a greater degree than composing.
This had two teaching positions, both of which were occupied only occasionally and often with less-than-qualified people.
The building was occasionally occupied by a traveling dentist who used a foot-powered drill.
During those years the castle was sacked by hordes of barbarians, and occasionally occupied by bandits.
Apparently, the village was abandoned most of the time, but was occasionally occupied by nomadic Arab families seeking shelter in its ruins.
Wooden benches are scattered throughout the preserve, occasionally occupied by a student with a textbook or an artist with a sketch pad.