This stance is occasionally questioned by other individual member states.
"Maybe I've underestimated what we're going through at times," said Knicks Coach Jeff Van Gundy, who has occasionally questioned his players' fire and drive this season.
Having raised two children in New York, she is occasionally questioned about her parental wisdom in a way that implies her urban lifestyle has somehow denied her offspring backyards.
Although his work is our most reliable source for the history of his era, its factual accuracy is occasionally questioned.
If his status was occasionally questioned in this country, it was in part because of pure (and sometimes not so pure) incomprehension.
His choice of authors, however, was occasionally questioned.
That she kept the works in the private gallery at her estate rather than in the Kahlo museum, as she apparently promised Rivera, has been questioned occasionally by art historians.
However, this stance was occasionally questioned by other individual member states.
Whether that is always very serious is a matter that can be questioned occasionally.
Americans and other travelers are occasionally questioned, searched, fingerprinted, and/or asked to submit to an abdominal x-ray upon arrival or departure.