The plot's suspenseful turns occasionally strain credulity, but one willingly forgives such lapses and concentrates on the appealing romance.
Reviewing the book for Time Out New York Parul Sehgal said: "While Bond's interpretations occasionally strain credulity, his sensibility enthralls.
This is partly because Mr. Letts's Texas trailer-park dialogue sounds so natural, only occasionally straining for effect, and partly because the production's five actors make such an unconditional commitment to their parts, refusing to signal that they are smarter than the people they're playing.
If Ellmann's biography occasionally strained to pump up Wilde's significance as an iconic literary figure, Ms. Belford's book plays down his status as an artist to portray him as a martyr who "catapulted Uranian passion out of adolescence and into maturity and gave birth to a homosexual consciousness."
Kyp remains reclusive and determined, occasionally straining his new friendship with Katakata.
The government has made an effort to provide adequate funding for education, occasionally straining tight budgets and even subsidised a great part of the expenditure in the Private Confessional schools, that is, schools under the control of the Catholic Church.
The production can occasionally strain in its bad-boy impishness.
She is, understandably, quite upset and her descriptions of us occasionally strain the ability of a translator, but, otherwise, she is in excellent health.