But people occasionally stray into their path, with results usually horrifying enough to mark the annals of medicine.
However, strays occasionally attack people, and few have been vaccinated against canine diseases.
He strayed from the trio only occasionally, and that was when he smelled something particularly interesting.
This cardinal is relatively nonmigratory, though it may occasionally stray slightly north of its usual range.
Occasionally strays can be found as far north as Texas.
British history, when it occasionally strayed into the curriculum of a seven-year-old, tended to be dull.
He had been sitting there quietly, his eyes occasionally straying to a bloodstain on the wall.
It will occasionally stray to southern California in October.
People found their attention occasionally straying when he was elucidating at some length a point which hardly needed making.
Such animals ranged these pastures, occasionally straying from their own herds.