It had the atmosphere of a revival, and not just because of the the gospel music and the country spirituals that occasionally wafted through the hall.
Through this simple but vivid and realistic situation, Kristin Pontz occasionally wafted like a veiled wraith.
Cooking smells occasionally wafted into the cramped lobby.
By evening, we had approached closely enough that the scattered mists from the waterfalls occasionally wafted over us.
Only the intermittent hint of a night breeze occasionally wafted over him.
Kori is a bar as well, and noise and smoke occasionally waft through the narrow dining room.
The air remained warm, occasionally wafting cool crosscurrents that splashed across my face.
This, the chief explained, was to enable sleepers to catch the trade winds which occasionally wafted over the jungle.
Scraps of information occasionally wafted Nicholas Comfort's way, but mostly inadvertently.
The odours occasionally wafted from the laboratory were likewise exceedingly strange.