Thrift stores and garage sales are budget alternatives that occasionally yield a fantastic find.
Because our rules are so tough, they occasionally yield unintended consequences.
The Nemi ships and other shipwreck sites occasionally yield objects of unique artistic value.
Mr. Becker kept his solos flinty and brief, occasionally yielding the guitar spotlight to the musical director of the tour, Jon Herington.
Tests occasionally yield false positives, and employees who are legitimately taking prescription drugs should not be penalized.
He was also given to homosexual longings, to which it seems he would occasionally yield but could not reconcile himself.
Usually, it is nothing more than a nostalgic pastime, but occasionally a peek through the attic yields some forgotten heirloom.
Asked why some hats had "Made in China" labels, he said that even artisans had to yield occasionally to the power of Far Eastern mass production.
While a postnup is intended to provide financial protection, it occasionally yields other benefits.