After Price's death, Harper was also able to secure the official naming of two geographic features for Price.
This is the oldest school of Taekwondo, which started in 1944 before the official naming of the art.
In 1899, Hu Maxwell described the 1843 founding and official naming of the town itself:
The official naming occurred on July 25, 1902.
This matter was brought before the State Geographic Board, which supervised the official naming of places.
In this case, ibn and bint are included in the official naming.
Peter is one of only four Atlantic tropical cyclones to reach the "P" name since the official naming of hurricanes began in 1950.
The official naming remained until January 1966.
The official naming of Canberra occurred on 12 March 1913, and construction began immediately.
On the 537th anniversary of his birthday the official naming was released to the public.