He sees an ominous figure and two dogs fight loudly nearby, setting the tone for the rest of the film.
Before long Roran saw the soldiers march up the road in a double line, two ominous black figures at their head.
Sprewell is seen as an ominous and brooding figure until he shows otherwise.
Atop the very roof of City Hall stood an ominous figure.
Seeing the ominous cloaked figures approach, worried soldiers were eager to get out of their way.
He was exactly Marty's size, yet even at a distance he seemed to tower over them, a dark and ominous figure.
When he looked back at his pursuer, the ominous figure was already moving closer.
Enter a friendly but ominous figure, holding out the promise of a letter from her father, who happens to be dead.
Four ominous figures were coming with deliberate tread down the deserted street.
The ominous figure came closer in the rain-soaked darkness, till he was only a couple of feet away from her.