Most Republicans in Congress pledge fealty to both the social and economic conservatives, and there is no open rift between the camps on Capitol Hill.
It is an open rift of a sort rarely seen here.
Many Western European defense experts fear a military "delinkage" from the United States, which could be hastened by an open rift over the Middle East.
No one would want an open rift with the Davenports.
An open rift develops between "Civgov" (the civilian government) and "Milgov" (the military government), which leads to a low-intensity civil war.
It can be argued that his influence in the two societies helped prevent their sometimes conflicting perspectives from leading to an open rift.
The Chinese appear determined to prevent any open rift with Japan, stressing the advantages of cooperation.
There was no longer any open rift between them, which might have forged a vital connection, even though a negative one.
It also coincided with an increasingly open rift in the Labor government here.
There was still no open rift between the two men, but their styles had become very different.