Searle contributed $170 million, or about 17 percent, to Monsanto's $1 billion in operating income last year.
Buoyed by increased sales and income from internally produced programming, operating income in the entertainment group more than doubled, to $10.1 million.
McDonald's revenues grew 27 percent over the three years ending in 2007 to $22.8 billion, and 9 percent growth in operating income to $3.9 billion.
According to that analysis, Coldwell Banker is worth about eight times operating income.
But operating income (excluding nonrecurring charges) was $7.8 million, down from $11.8 million.
Demonstrate how the organization operates and generates income.
Operating margins, which is operating income as a percentage of revenue, increased to 6.6 percent, from 6 percent.
Parks and resorts, for their part, were up 11 percent in operating income to $258 million, from $232 million a year earlier.
Financial services operating income fell to $95.5 million from $100.3 million, primarily as a result of lower earnings in its trading group.
For the fourth quarter, financial services operating income rose 89.3 percent, to $101 million, compared with $54 million for the corresponding period of 1991.