Congress has ordered manufacturers to decorate toy guns with neon colors to label them as fakes, and many large chain stores will not sell toy guns that can be painted to look real.
Concerned about the long-term health hazards posed by arts and crafts supplies, Congress has ordered manufacturers to label products containing hazardous chemicals and to keep them away from schoolchildren.
South Korea has ordered manufacturers to ensure that all new handsets emit a beep whenever a picture is taken.
Demand for grinding machinery and specialist knowledge in the heat treatment of metals and other areas the company had developed was so high during the years of World War I that the government ordered other British manufacturers to produce Churchill designs.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission had ordered manufacturers of children's sleepwear to treat their products with it.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission ordered manufacturers to recall hundreds of thousands of boxes of crayons imported from China, saying they contained traces of lead.
This month, at the National Transportation Safety Board's urging, the Federal Aviation Administration ordered airlines to upgrade their old black boxes, and manufacturers to put better ones on new planes.
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard ordered manufacturers to reserve 30% of all butter produced, to be used for the U.S. Armed Forces, the first time.
The court had earlier ordered manufacturers of the machines to provide names and addresses of purchasing clinics and individuals.
A separate edict has ordered manufacturers to pay cash deposits to cover the cost of imported materials.