Applying the lost wax technique, he produced small abstract and ornamental figures.
Rather than regarding metaphors as ornamental figures of speech, cognitive poetics examines how the conceptual bases of such metaphors interact with the text as a whole.
(A gargoyle is any ornamental figure on a building, while grotesques are specifically those that invoke the monstrous, threatening, deformed images reminiscent of the Middle Ages.)
The nobles, in like manner, have nearly ceased either to guide or misguide; and are now, as their master is, little more than ornamental figures.
Entered through a stained-glass door, it is peopled with ornamental figures, animals and plants.
There are ceramics, glass, jewelry, clothing, quilts, pillows, ornaments, clocks, metalworks and ornamental figures.
The second movement, "Habanera Nocturna," unfolds widely spaced ornamental figures over a seductive dancing rhythm that simplifies and fades as the movement ends.
Our northern mariners, who are trained in the coal-trade, apply this distinction to a broad-sterned ship, which carries no ornamental figure on the stem or prow.
In the later quartets the first violin's ornamental figures become more than just the decoration one hears early on.
Other ornamental figures include Bagnante, a Diana, and Leda.