But of all the ridiculous sights I ever have seen, our party of eight is the most so - they do cut such an outlandish figure.
Delaney's weird, outlandish figure climbed slowly and clumsily down, rung by rung.
Only the long-faced portrait of Thaddeus Culeth glared upon his strange, outlandish figure.
The image of Chong glared steadily, an outlandish figure in this room which had been changed from an Oriental chamber to an improvised laboratory.
Therefore, each summer, the total of all the production requests equalled some outlandish figure like 140 percent of the corporation's assembly capacity.
No cash ever changed hands, and the dinners in some cases amounted to several hundred dollars - which is not an outlandish figure in Tokyo's high-priced restaurants.
Perched atop the map, its feet planted in a jaunty stance right above the northern city of Dan, was a colossal and altogether outlandish figure.
They are outraged by the intrusion of such an outlandish figure - for Mandy has seven arms and hands.
Frank Lloyd Wright was one of architecture's most outlandish figures, a man who famously pranced around in a cape and ran off with a client's wife.