The depths lie in black shadow, but I hear the water chuckling over secrets far below.
And they have no business to be poring over the work and secrets of his family.
He also admits to conspiring with Litvak to hand over American nuclear secrets to the Soviets.
Beyond were fields and groves and roads, pleasantly suggestive and elusive, as if brooding over elfish secrets in the moonlight.
In 1950 he was arrested and confessed to having handed over secrets to Soviet agents on numerous occasions, beginning in 1941.
There is no time now for us to argue over secrets which we might learn about the German movements.
How often does Mr. Thornburgh need to hear that before he stops the interloping and seeks an orderly solution to these disputes over secrets?
Because the White House insists that Congress respect the President's ultimate authority over secrets.
Timo is furious with Julia over her lies and secrets and breaks all ties with his mother.
Men lose common sense over secrets such as these.