When the pains recur, such patients are likely to worry more and to doubt the physician's judgment.
Half the patients so treated respond to a second treatment if pain recurs.
It disappears after a brief rest and the patient can start walking again until the pain recurs.
Try again later and if pain recurs, do not continue the activity that day.
Try again later and if pain recurs, stop that activity for the day.
Thereafter some pain gradually reducing but may recur when taking part in some activities.
These symptoms usually go away in 2 to 3 weeks although pain may recur with bending or twisting.
Lee took the stairs slowly, worried that the pain in his chest might recur.
Although the cancer shrank temporarily with additional radiotherapy, the pain recurred in May 1952.
Sir Edward never really recovered from the ordeal, and the pain of the bullet wound recurred for the rest of his life.