Have you had a painless lump or bump for 2 weeks or longer that has not been checked by a doctor?
However, a painless lump in a testicle may be a sign of cancer.
A testicular tumor may cause a painless lump in the testicles.
The cancer usually first appears as a small, often painless, lump on one of the testicles.
Merkel cell carcinoma usually appears as a single painless lump on sun-exposed skin.
The most common symptom of male breast cancer is a painless lump or swelling behind the nipple.
The most common symptom of breast cancer is a painless lump.
A sarcoma may appear as a painless lump under the skin, often on an arm or a leg.
The first noticeable symptom is usually a painless lump or swelling.
The first sign of breast cancer is often a painless lump.