The painless test takes just a few seconds, and can reveal narrowing years before a sudden attack.
The painless test, which is about a year or two away from clinical use, can be performed by a dentist in about a half hour.
This easy, painless test involves breathing into a large hose connected to a machine, called a spirometer.
Who would forgo a simple, painless test that could find cancer early?
Wait, isn't CT screening one of those "quick and painless tests" that could save your life?
It is a painless test; electrodes from the monitor are taped to the skin.
It is a painless test similar to X-ray, but without the radiation.
The only way to tell whether you have high blood pressure is to perform a quick, painless test using a device called a sphygmomanometer.
This quick and painless test uses a device that is placed onto the end of your finger.
The quick and painless test can prevent vision loss.