It became a haven for French Jews, who received better treatment under papal rule than in the rest of France.
Pope Alexander aims to unify Italy's feudal states under papal rule.
The time of his papal rule coincided with the age known as the High Renaissance.
However, because Paschal had reaffirmed the papal rules on lay investiture and homage, Henry turned once more against Anselm.
In the 11th century it was transferred to the control of the papacy and remained mostly under papal rule until 1860.
In 1375 Francesco di Vico took possession of the city, which joined in the general revolt against papal rule, but quickly submitted.
As the plural name Papal States indicates, the various regional components retained their identity under papal rule.
Mr. Kertzer begins his account in 1814, with the restoration of papal rule after the routing of Napoleon's army.
Seventeenth-century Rome, under autocratic papal rule, was perceived by republican Venetians as a direct threat to their liberties.
This caused the Pope to excommunicate him, since he had sold two towns which were nominally under papal rule.