With papal support, Duke of Savoy became Grand Master in 1572.
However, Thrasimund refused to hand over the four captured towns which he had promised to do in exchange for papal support.
She made an unsuccessful military attempt to regain her throne with papal support.
Despite papal support, Otto could not oust his rival Philip until the latter was murdered in a private feud.
Although Alexander did give papal approval to the conquest after it succeeded, no other source claims papal support prior to the invasion.
Even Otto knew that without papal support he could not survive.
Lothar, back in Italy, had seized his chance, to co-ordinate revolt - and to secure papal support.
Resistance to diocesan clergy continued through the following decades, despite papal support for the diocesan bishops.
Birger thus combined financial support from Germany with papal political support to consolidate his own position.
John VI then began a campaign for papal support and the union of the Catholic and Orthodox churches.