Scott seems to use that kind of construction for parenthetical remarks, so it seems a reasonable correction.
Be careful of parenthetical remarks; these asides can get you into unexpected trouble.
In a parenthetical remark, she said that she did not feel fearful until she started to spend most of her time away from New York.
But that's an observation about an essentially parenthetical remark.
DamienGWalter - the parenthetical remark that inflamed you was made in the interests of greater specificity.
Ignore the parenthetical remarks that pockmark, and often pothole, every page.
She used no material under copyright, she said, and the dialogue is her own - thus the parenthetical remark in the play's title.
Behold me awesome power to make everything you will ever read part of one gigantic parenthetical remark!
This parenthetical remark by the Commission must surely pull us up short.
This last request included a parenthetical remark stating, "There are only 17 known cases in US - let me know if one is in your town!"