Drug companies invest significant effort in designing drugs that interact specifically with particular receptors , since non-specific drugs can cause more side effects.
In this study, scientists focused on a particular receptor in the brain known to play an important role in vulnerability to drug addiction-the dopamine D2 receptor.
Their intricate shapes allow them to lock onto particular receptors on the surface of cells or onto specific proteins floating in the bloodstream.
It was assumed that the drug must attach itself to a particular receptor on nerve cells to which dopamine would otherwise bind.
For decades, scientists trying to understand these interactions often play locksmith, searching for the right key to fit a particular receptor.
The theory is based upon blockage of sound ray travel toward a particular receptor; however, diffraction of sound must be addressed.
Some currently common drugs that have been classed as partial agonists at particular receptors include:
The first is to clarify the role of particular receptors in individual illnesses.
In pharmacology, an endogenous agonist for a particular receptor is a compound naturally produced by the body which binds to and activates that receptor.
"He picks her, but in a way she's also choosing, fastening on to someone who fits her particular receptors."