Guild's designs were originally inspired by Iranian peasant clothes and other traditional garments from around the world.
He saw that she wore peasant clothes, which seemed much too large for her.
And he was right, she did not wear peasant clothes.
Ali, who spoke Romanian put on some peasant clothes and fled to Wallachia.
Caris followed, clearly uneasy, because, in his peasant clothes, he couldn't openly have a weapon in hand.
He shrugged, clearly ill at ease in his peasant clothes without a weapon in his hand.
Then she saw that they looked just as curiously at Wayne and Ishihara, in their more modest Chinese peasant clothes.
There were other men in the compound, also in simple peasant clothes of dark blue indigo, their faces covered with cloths.
Stephanie looked down at herself in the rough peasant clothes.
He put on plain peasant clothes and spoke simple Low-Russian language.