"Fontamara is a little epic of peasant resistance, based upon an actual event in recent Italian history"
During the 1970s it became the focal point of peasant resistance to the proposed extension of the Larzac military training base, just to the north.
But the leaders who have emerged show a surprising concern that they won't be able to surmount Communist machinery and tricks, peasant resistance to change.
In the early 1930s, pressure from the government to break the peasant resistance to collectivization resulted in famines throughout Ukraine.
Amid the growing poverty and peasant resistance, which was brutally crushed, he also wrote commentaries on these aspects of Soviet life.
Moreover, peasant resistance appeared to be the only social force that could conceivably transform Russia.
Suddenly, the defiant peasant resistance to militarism became a flagrant political cause célèbre.
This failed in the main, not because of violent peasant resistance, but because they were simply too poor to give up any of their potatoes.
Whatever was in Lenin's mind, it is certain that the great Famine of 1921-2 wiped out any likelihood of peasant resistance.
This view held that peasant resistance took two forms.