Lucerne was also involved in the Swiss peasant war of 1653.
In the decades following the peasant war the city authorities tried to suppress the memory of this nearly successful revolt.
Ideological instrumentalizations of the peasant war occurred even in the 20th century.
The peasant war of 1653 stands out as a culminative end point in Switzerland for three reasons:
Published on the occasion of the tricentennial of the peasant war.
In the peasant war of 1653 they sided with the rule of Lucerne for once.
In the Swiss peasant war of 1653 the people rose up against the nobles and authorities.
During the Swiss peasant war of 1653 the city remained loyal to Bern.
The line also corresponds to the frontline during the Swiss peasant war of 1653.
He became embroiled in the Swiss peasant war of 1653.