Aronson's sigh was perfectly audible over the phone.
His anger made it perfectly audible to all of them, and Bibilus blushed crimson.
There was another groan, low and fuzzy, but perfectly audible this time.
"If you are not slack," said Tjainufi in a perfectly audible voice, "then your god will be active for you."
Blade, under deep hypnosis, spoke in a low, but perfectly audible, monotone.
Im sorry, a voice said softly behind him, perfectly audible through the buzz that now filled the room.
I'm not deaf and Isthia was perfectly audible without any "sensitive" assistance.
The image in his mind was pitifully plain, and the thought perfectly audible.
At length, Mary Hudson interrupted him, and her voice was perfectly audible to the Comanches.
"A salute to Abannah," the priest began, his voice very soft, but perfectly audible, like the wind.