The species evolved on the perpetually dark worlds which detached from their original solar systems and now drift through the interstellar spaces.
The sky above Lunia is perpetually dark, filled with beautiful constellations of silver stars bright enough to illuminate the base of the mountain.
Treno, a large, perpetually dark city, heavily populated by both aristocrats and paupers, is located on the southeast part of the continent.
And the skies would remain perpetually dark; and the streets would run with the blood of the innocents.
They live in a world that's perpetually dark.
Tartarus is a perpetually dark world and a well-known haven for criminals.
Even whole ecosystems of life exist in some of the airless and perpetually dark areas of the network.
She also dreaded the notion of sleeping on cold stone in a perpetually dark tunnel.
In addition to being perpetually dark, the ocean is not known for being merciful.
In the morning all five awoke to a world that was perpetually dark.