Third-party sites certainly shouldn't get to place cookies without some affirmative action by the user, and any case where that occurs should be individually marked.
These websites may place cookies on your computer.
I see, I'm looking at the sites that have placed cookies on, you know, visited websites.
Companies place "cookies" in your computer to monitor your tastes: not only what you buy but where you browse.
What about 3rd party content receiving or even placing cookies?
Advertisers and other third parties may also place cookies on your browser.
When we place cookies on users' devices, we must be transparent with them about their options to accept or reject them.
Do not place candy or cookies over top of ranges.
Dolkar Dharlo, 18, recalls placing cookies on the altar as "food for the god."
Some of the advertisers on our site may serve content and advertisements that place or recognize cookies on your browser.