She was a medium-sized, plumpish woman coming up on her twenty-seventh winter, and looked vaguely like her full aunt, Chiana.
A plumpish woman in her fifties was standing next to the mother, holding the child, wrapped in a blanket.
Folly's eyes jerked upwards at the hoarse whisper to see her escort being greeted by a plumpish middle-aged woman with steel-grey hair and a worried expression.
The plumpish woman sitting behind us took umbrage at the sermon.
His eye was caught by a plumpish middle-aged woman in a striking purple and white robe.
The door in the opposite wall opened for a plumpish, severely dressed woman of Adele's age.
She was a plumpish woman, about ten years younger than her husband and still moderately pretty.
Supper, taken alone in a smallish dining room with a warm fire and only five tables, was provided by a plumpish woman wearing a stained white apron.
As he ran his memory of her was of a rather plumpish young woman, from whom the flame of life had departed, lying very still on a thick rug.
Next to him sat his wife, Lena, a plumpish woman with long fair hair that was plaited and coiled in a 1940s style.