His point, while valid in the abstract, overlooks an important problem.
The same goes for all the other iconic photos, and this is far too important a point to overlook.
We park on a high point overlooking a pond, and I'm getting comfortable with the view, starting to enjoy it.
I'll be taken to the highest point overlooking the Desert, and they'll use a golden knife.
The restored depot, built in 1901, sits on a point overlooking downtown.
An obvious point, perhaps, but one that is sometimes overlooked for the sake of explanatory convenience.
Several waldoes not fit for combat had been walked to points overlooking possible battle sites.
The church, which is still standing, was located on the highest point overlooking the harbor and was described as a "choice piece of property".
Some points you conveniently overlooked the first time.
The editorial makes a point often overlooked: "the great majority of cancer victims forgo breast reconstruction."