The alienation from Croatian political mainstream has also manifested itself in the dramatic rise of Euroscepticism among general public.
Bringing these ideals back to the political mainstream requires a fresh approach.
Just two years ago, the same mix of free-market, human-rights ideology that occupies the West's political mainstream seemed to be in ascendancy.
For 17 years, he said, the political mainstream did not pay attention to the resurgent religious values.
Under you the Shrecks have moved back into the political mainstream in a big way.
Both composers listened to and absorbed from a political mainstream of style but did not end up speaking its language.
They say the political mainstream is moving in Sharpton's direction, not the other way around.
However, the political mainstream is divided about how to counter its magnetism.
Under the articulate and witty Mr. Gysi, the party now enters the political mainstream of reunified Germany.
"The political mainstream is 'win and get re-elected at almost all costs,' " he said.