Jefferson's famous reply, "I like a little rebellion now and then," foreshadowed what would become a deep political rift between the dear friends.
The proposals on replacing the old causeway with a new bridge has resulted in a political rift between the two countries since the early 2000s.
The Catholic Church also stands astride some of the nation's deepest political rifts.
The agreement is a sign that recent political rifts in Europe are being balanced by economic factors compelling members to cooperate.
This political rift played out in a dramatic personal way a few weeks ago for the city's new welfare commissioner.
But it is also occurring against the backdrop of a political rift between Germany and the United States.
The war, and the political rift it opened across the Atlantic, has not ebbed entirely as a concern for travelers.
There's the cross-cultural barrier, the political rift, the early misunderstanding since overcome.
The demographic diversity of the nation's fourth-most-populous state, in fact, helped cause the deep political rift now on display for the rest of the nation.
The move reflected additional political rifts within the senior command.