To see the rise of science, and the middle class, amid such political tumult is to gain a new insight into history.
It is an unsullied past on view, absent the political tumult of his later years.
The political tumult there has delayed the inaugural legislative session until next week.
As in almost all revolutions, the early days of the regime were characterized by political tumult.
With its protests and political tumult of the last few years, Venezuela has been anything but hospitable to business.
A1 Azerbaijanis are enjoying the drama of all the political tumult, even if they know not to take everything at face value.
But this is Israel, land of perpetual political tumult, and there remains an entire day before candidates have to declare.
In a year of cultural and political tumult, it was the most subversive design statement of all.
In some countries, the political tumult is taking on a less-than-democratic flavor.
How this came to be is a story about the unlikely intersection of cognitive science and political tumult.